this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
I don't think it's the
vegetarianism per se that's useful , but some people definitely do better on the lower
iron levels that a low meat or meatless diet gives !
alternately one can donate blood !
bleeding is one of the oldest remedies known to man !
“humane human” replies
Except that vegans have higher iron intake than meat eaters, AND higher Vitamin C intake (which helps with absorption of iron). So what's your point?
you need to do some research, the reality is that regular vegetarian blood donors
quickly become anemic !
“lady lazareth” replies
Lower iron levels? Last time my iron levels were checked, I was on the higher side of normal! Haven't touched meat in almost 20 years.
that's my point, you are likely a very efficient iron absorber and if you ate meat your iron levels would be too high !
you may even benefit from an occasional blood donation !
I can see it when I donate blood, if I eat more meat between donations, my iron level is higher, if I eat less then it is lower, I am less migrainey if it's reasonably low like an Hb of 136 ?
I would happily be a vegetarian except I notice their brains don't work that well :o)
“humane human” replies
It just keeps getting better.
According to yet another
study , if your brain worked better, it would be more likely that you would be a vegetarian.
Can you believe it? Why do the facts keep having this annoying vegetarian bias?
lol, people with high iq's have asperger's syndrome :o)(
hence your intense, but not quite rational interest in vegetarianism !
I don't think it's the
vegetarianism per se that's useful , but some people definitely do better on the lower
iron levels that a low meat or meatless diet gives ! alternately one can donate blood ! bleeding is one of the oldest remedies known to man !
gee i eat way
wilder than bear grylls, testicles, prostates, thyroids, thymuses, eyes, brains, pancreases, breasts, intestines, adrenals, kidneys, livers, gall bladders (sometimes !) and i don't vomit :o)
tho i am careful to cook so any parasites are killed ! :o()
only 100 years ago it was normal to eat this, often in sausages or that sort of thing but sausages now are just very tough muscle meat and fat with the horrors of bcd/scd illegals like rice flour, bread rusks or soy flour and hydrolysed vegetable protein added !
yup the offal goes into pet food now with high doses of toxic preservatives like
ethoxyquin to create the usual mad and deranged animal people take for normal now !
imho writing with some thought is where it's at because it modifies you, if you don't write, you won't get that modification ! :-)
blogs and facebook are ideal for this, you get feedback, disagreement and energy, all of which are characteristics of the real world :-)
imho writing with some thought is where it's at because it modifies you, if you don't write, you won't get that modification ! :o)(
imho writing with some thought is where it's at because it modifies you, if you don't write, you won't get that modification !
imho writing with some thought is where it's at because it modifies you, if you don't write, you won't get that modification
your last
post was much better because it was your experience and imaginative !
if you look over the web there's everyman and his dog and particularly the dog :o) mouthing off buddhist clichés and endless quotes of dogen translations that they blithely ignore is a translation and distorted !
as a writer you will appreciate that translations can be very far from what was originally written !
anyway I find your writing much fresher and more appealing when you write from your own experience and the less overt Buddhist stuff included the better it reads :o)
corey swartsel writes
I applaud the immense patience you're exhibiting Herb and yet, I admit in this instance I would equally applaud a healthy act of self care as embodied in a decisive deletion
Either way, my best to you.
my reply
self care indeed corey, fostering delusion by removing what shows you up more like ! delete yourself you fake, you have never been within an inch of authentic practice !
“either way my best to you” senile politeness man !
(ed. unposted)
corey, who is this self you would you care for?
well Andrew, im not sure what to say, i wish you would not say things that are rude, or offer diagnosis that are not true and not appropriate for people who do not really know each other. you dont know me like that. ive always had a policy that if anyone posts things that are intentionally hurtful or hateful i will delete them. i get some of what you say as constructive, and appreciate it. otherwise i feel uncomfortable and semi-offended. is it possible for you to go a week without insulting me?
btw, people find your posts offensive, so it leaves me in a funny position of trying to explain to people why you are here saying such inappropriate things, which they are, do you know you are inappropriate?
so you deny your autism herb? you spill endless crap and have the gall to criticize what I write which is true ? basically your ideas of projecting beneficial energy are schizophrenia, you want to be protected from that truth !? you asked earlier about my enlightenment, i'm enlightened and you are not and you can't handle the mindset that enlightenment requires ! you poor little baby hurt huh ? Christ what passes for zen these days, some candied insane dream ! :o()
herb the truth is you so wrapped up in bullshit and voynich you are crawling around like a confused cockroach seeking to deposit its filthy eggs everywhere ! what can i say , blind is blind and ignorant is ignorant and while i won't say you are any worse than a lot of teachers in zen, still it is an affront to the patriarchy and despite your claim i can't know you, you can be read like abook, i know your fate and progression................. :o()
you will ban me and stay schizophrenic and you can suck the cock's/have your cock sucked off by the brainless twits who post on your facebook page ! :o)
herb you feel the world is wrong, yet you can't take the truth I write, man that's why the world is wrong, wake up, you are part of the problem ! you will continue to piss away your life in a toxic way, it's not just uranium that's a problem in san deigo !
herb, if you ever become enlightened you will understand what I say ! and be able to reply to the points raised which apparently you can't, but hey that's zen today, just pretending/pretenders !
ed. well the stanzas below are what i ended up posting, took a while to get it right on the nail, yet not be banned : o)(
herb, those who stand before Buddha know the appropriate
from the inappropriate................ you stand before the idol of man !
herb, dogen was autistic just like Einstein, it's not a bad thing, just the deconstructed condition “ that is closer to god ” so to speak, I know it's difficult :o()
poi e
sung by the patea maori club new zealand :o)
herb, it's all wong, it's never right, you just don't want to worry about it !
consumers, endless consumption and dull warped lives so cut off from any genuine creation themselves, the repetition of the endless works of others, yes this is the modern you's, generations x, y and stupid :o()
herb, you are a bit of a woman, the
jewellery, coiffed hair tuff :o)
, really quite gender blurred , i'm not saying it's bad : o) !
the rocking is autistic and what's with the lozenges ?!
water buffaloes flick their tails side to side very rapidly I think the koan got garbled and really is a reference to the process which i do to and can be disconcerting to others and oneself ! ¡ ! which is to swing from one extreme to another and sorta effectively get the average which interestingly you don't do
you are just stuck on one side so the energy and movement through infinity/buddha doesn't happen and you are stuck there, a stupid statue speaking garbage !
i hadn't realised you were so autistic, but seeing the gender blurring, rocking and obsessive sucking, you fit the bill so to speak . . . ! ¡ !
and totally wired too, really tense _ _ _
a dangerous man in certain circumstances, anything that keeps you from being locked up as criminally insane has to be of benefit i suppose _ . _ i guess zen does that for you !
you need to go back to swinging through the extremes more or is that not safe ?
but you know instead of being stuck in certainty, being uncertain would enable you to move in directions more productive to yourself !
things have a point and no point if you see what i mean !
that is, it's not one annihilative nullity of no point !
or maybe it is : o)( !
now that i have seen you in video i can allow that you may need zen, but you are not actually a
“safe person” (neither am i !)
try using the “ intellect ” more, if you don't you end up as road kill !
the anti-intellectual bias is not part of the original chan, it crept into japanese zen as part of the samurai ethic which basically discourages soldiers from thinking too much !
you don't think of yourself as a militarist clone, but that is the dogma you are spouting !
hakuin ekaku, eihei dogen and ryōkan were all extremely erudite and learned !
ryōkan is one of the most literary japanese poets with a copious volume of poems extremely allusive to the works of other japanese poets !
it's a shame to see western zen so crippled and people go through it as zombies only using half their brain :o)(()
emotional intelligence is important, but not overridingly exclusive, life teaches us that !
there are times when we have to go in the opposite direction to what emotional intelligence is telling us ‑
a tip is writing is in general more effective than talks because you can figure things out more, zen's non written emphasis is somewhat self‑contradictory and limiting !
we must have an odd synchronizing because the topics you bring up are interesting to me, like i have occasionally think about that water buffalo koan and what it was really about prior to being garbled !?
there are some good chinese chan hermit videos on the web and i saw one with monks with water buffaloes and it clicked !
there's alot of koans the real meaning is lost to us because we lack the experience of the medieval cultures and the way they lived !
well i get to ramble in my unitary emotional/intellectual discursive way, what are you getting out of my posting ?
my recommendation for an upgrade to windows 8.1 is to keep your existing hard disk and install windows 8.1 onto a 128GB samsung 840 pro ssd (solid state disk) !
you will need a 3.5 inch to 2.5 adapter to fit the ssd into the hard disk rack !
that way you can keep both your old and new operating systems for a while, or forever if you want, selecting the alternate one in bios on boot if you want to change !
i cannot state strongly enough this advantage of being able to run both your and new operating systems, with each having it's own hard disk or ssd, as there is a learning curve that means that being happy with the new system and getting the creases out takes time !
never install two different operating systems on the same hard disk/ssd !
the samsung ssd's appear to be the most reliable, i had a micron ssd and it was slowly corrupting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am only recommending the samsung 128G 840 pro at this point !
now this is the big thing, when ssd's fail it can be entirely without warning, so you need to think about back-ups more seriously and having a hard disk as well as the ssd means you can cross back up important files between them
you will be mainly using the hard disk for media or large infrequently accessed files !
hard disks have a different susceptibility to failure profile so it's very unlikely that a hard disk and ssd will fail at the same time, whereas it's much more risky with two ssd's say !
contrary to what you might hear, windows 8/8.1 is the best windows operating system to date with a minor foil of microsoft having tried to force the touchscreen environment too far into the desktop enviroment, but ballmer has become senile or something and marketing idiots are running amok in the company!
the secret to handling the mess that microsoft has made of the desktop graphics interface is use the key combinations "windows and x" , "windows and i" and "windows and q" to get useful menus!
basically you have to get into keyboard shortcuts more and that's not abad thing !
you cannot think life is at all sane when they had a very good desktop graphics user interface as per windows 7 in the first place !
microsoft's motive for forcing this chimera on us is to create a familiarity with what it perceives to be the way of the future which is in their view their operating systems on tablets, but they have completely lost sight of the so very important desktop ergonomics !
windows 8.1 with an ssd if you have only had a hard disk before will give a radical improvement in speed ( especially with the RAPID dram cache in the magician software ! ) to the extent you may be able to delay a motherboard upgrade !
i know reading this sort of thing gives people as much joy as a dentist's visit, but this is the way desktops are going and laptops will be the same, you really do need to grasp the issue of back-ups, and for desktops, the utility of running both a standard hard disk as well as an ssd and dividing and cross backing up appropriately the files between them ! : o()
i also always have a bootable hard disk back up copy, macrim offer good free software for this !
installing or upgrading new operating systems can go really wrong so always have your data backed up before doing this !
why change when you have no problems ? well i'm not saying you should, but the problem is that out of date operating systems are not fully maintained by microsoft, you become at increasing risk for viruses and other problems..............
this is one of those “ some care and no responsiblity things ”, i am not responsible for any problems you have if you are misguided enough to follow this advice :o( )
i suppose i was misguided enough to write it :o)
two displays are quite abit better than one and they have come way down in price !
that's the trouble with intellectual property, everybody copies it (ed. royals) ! ella yelich-o'connor/lorde actually lived at quite agood address, it's interesting that her mother was poet, it gives an edge like andrei tarkovsky's father !
you get a very sophisticated reading and conceptual depth when quite young !
i notice that new zealanders seem to be more creative and brighter than the usual worldwide, i don't know why, the intial 1800's immigration was a more adventurous middle class type or the higher
iodine supplementation in salt?
the problem of life and aging, you get better at most things you do, but it gets harder............... :o()
when you get older, you look at the blind energy of the younger and you think “ what the fuck ! ? ”
when you get older, you look at the blind energy of the young and you think “ what the fuck ! ? ”
when you get older, you look at the blind energy of the young and you think
“ what the fuck ”
no fred writes
woolinsky referred to It as the trance of no trance
fred of
no fred writes bullshit of
no , i mean
bullshit :o()
general andrew
jackson had mercury and lead poisoning from the medical use of mercurous chloride and lead acetate as well as a bullet in his left shoulder (removed 1832!)
his (1815/1839) mercury hair levels of 6/5.6 pmm and lead levels of 130.5/44 ppm provide an interesting
reference as to what constitutes severe composite mercury and lead poisoning :o)( !
6 ppm doesn't seem so high
compared to the high 30's ppm that can be attained eating very large deep sea fish such as shark, sailfish and swordfish, but fish sourced mercury is methyl mercury which shows up in the
hair whereas inorganic mercury doesn't so much !
dave st. germain asks
Did you actually watch the
movie today? I find it very difficult to focus on such a long movie on the computer; I had to watch it before going to sleep, with nothing else to distract.
Anyway, it ends with the girl reading this poem by tyutchev
I love your eyes, my dear.
Their splendid, sparkling fire
When suddenly you raise them so
To cast a swift, embracing glance
Like lightning flashing in the sky
But there's a charm that's greater still
When my love's eyes are lowered
When all is fired by passion's kiss
And through the downcast lashes
I see the dull flame of desire
In the context of the film, what is meant by “ the dull flame of desire ” ?
my reply
i think i prefer this translation by yevgeny bonver
I love your dear eyes, my friend,
With their play so bright and wondrous,
When you promptly rise them, and,
Like with a lightning in the wildness,
Embrace at once the whole land
But there's more fabulous attraction:
The eyes directed to the floor
During the crazy osculation,
And through the lashes, set before,
The dusk and gloomy flame of passion
so “ the dusk and gloomy flame of passion ” would be the theme of the film, or the film itself?
some sort of magical reality where you get more than seems possible?
reply to herb deer
I would suggest that “liberation” is a fiction and the historical reality of celibacy was against a background of endemic chronic disease and when you are continually not well then celibacy is not so difficult !
if you are deformed, “ damaged goods ” or very unattractive it also is not as difficult !
renunciation comes from above and is not something we do ! ?
I wouldn't even use the word sobriety, the issue is a brain crying for help and most drugs offer some self medicating aspect like both speed and heroin grow certain parts of the brain like ssri's also do, but the problem is that the side effects become crucifying !
the only way out of this bind to provide the brain assistance from intelligent supplementation and diet, like I will eat wallaby or sheep's brains occasionally and it really helps with depression and brain function...............drugs and alcohol are in the box thinking from which the only real escape is to step outside the box and since we are almost entirely biochemical machines there's only one route to safety..............!
herb you have become a madman, this complete lack of attention to what can be done from a supplement and diet point of view constrains you to the very limited circle of understanding you just revolve around in an endless/unintelligent/stupid side loading washing machine cycle !
the one thing you have got right is to leave the comments here unmoderated, but the next step is to start taking on board what is being said to you............... !
your grasp of zen theory is infantile, anyone posting here is telling you that, what is so wrong that you can't face that inadequacy ?
herb replies
i'll take that as a compliment
my reply
zen is irrelevant to you, your shrinking brain is not ! what more can I say, I tried ............... good bye herb
with you tube and the web one has ended up a cultural sophisticate :o)(
with you tube and the web one has ended up a cultural sophisticate :o)(
with you tube and the web one has ended up a cultural sophisticate :o)(
with you tube and the web one has ended up a cultural sophisticate
dave st. germain writes
Ah, you can watch
Stalker online (and part
two) ,
it's quite good, especially the ending
the artist mocks, the scientist destroys, the stalker (priest) controls, but who can make it into the room? and then, the disabled girl! well, what do you think about it?
right at the beginning of part two you can see vapours coming off a stream, that apparently is some very carcinogenic chemical from a plant upstream; andrei
tarkovsky, his second wife larisa tarkovskaya and actor anatoly solonitsyn, all involved in shooting at that location died at relatively early ages from the same broncial lung cancer !
of course it could have been from the asbestos rife at the time too and tarkovsky smoked like a train :o()
speaking of disabled, this girl has an exceptional
voice, might have been something to do with the arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and connective tissue disability !
i wonder since she won't have children wether she is pre-empting that by putting a life depth intensity into her singing?
“ on whether couder and fort's work can inspire physicists to find a theory deeper than quantum mechanics, it may be too soon to tell, but one point does seem clear, every time they look, the researchers find more ways in which walkers exhibit supposedly quantum behaviour ”
andrei was basically starved as child from the food shortages and his father being a poet and not quite of this earth :o)( !
lol legal rape, being conceived :D :O :'(
lol legal rape, being conceived :o()
lol legal rape,
being conceived
lol legal rape, being conceived
nathan woods writes
it seems herb, in all of this what you are neglecting is the role of renunciation. buddhadharma is a path of renunciation, in relation to samsara, and then the question becomes how is the 'energy' of renunciation to be directed
Nathan, does one “ renounce ” ? or is one one renounced ?
the rag-rat bag of people posting here, is it that we are involuntarily “ renounced ” and all we have to do is see it?
why do things
never end
why do things
never end
why do things
never end
charles, where I think zen goes really wrong is they get falsely abstracted into the
“anime” aspect, if you are going to do the abstract it's a lifetime's work and that's where celibacy really helps or makes it possible because celibate's lives are not very interesting :o)
“married with kids/children” , you know their life is their family and work so that's what they should talk about, like herb is almost totally vacant on this subject, but that's what he needs to talk about !
it's not just zen but all religion, they just suffer from adhd and do not understand how hard the abstract process is .............. so they learn a few phrases and concepts then gabble it/them............ :o(
but you know they overlook or are scared to talk about their real lives and that's where they need the processing and discussion...............
it's a skill to be able to talk about personal matters without causing flow on problems from disclosure, but it can be done and the skill will build ............
it's not really a question of celibacy or not, but some realism about life distraction and time.............
since all zen teachers seem to fall into this trap, i ask you from an audiences point of view, how can you have any confidence in them when they so obviously are at sea in what they talk about and not a word of where they are not at sea?
dogs left and right tail
wag !
very relaxing, one of the few pieces of piano music i actually have enjoyed, full of swaying
lyrical rhythms and echoes : o )
herb you are linking/posting videos which in no way represent original thought by yourself? can you see that your lack of access to a truely creative space shows you have much further to go, and basically you won't get there ! you just have to be realistic and move on a bit from zen, there's no money in it, especially for you, so look at where your income might come from and for god's sake look at things like a better sleep and diet, all of which I have written up
i see this again and again, people in zen not understanding that it has fallen a mile from its heights in the 60's up till the early nineties, scandals like shimano, sasaki and genpo have really tarnished its name , but anyway neo advaita and non duality have grabbed zen's potential audience so the kitty is empty so why wank with bullshit for no money ?
i think you are actually at a sorta cross roads and having to take a different direction and your're not.................., you are being ripped apart and watching the bits of you walk off in different/various directions......................
is there a song called, “ you think you are winning but you are losing ” :o)
I like strange spaces, you are obviously in one, I have always been in one :o)(
I think those who know/care for you will be concerned tho, not much I can do at this end of the internet and to be honest one or two bloodings are enough !
herb deer replies
thanks for your concern Andrew, i live in a strange space, i assure you im fine. if you can see the videos as a narrative you might see the buddhas story as written by the smiths. if the buddha had a soundtrack it might be this. if you listen close enough you might hear your story too.
nothing is ever fine ! I don't have a story except the usual inept lurching, the point I am making is about not going to music videos or Buddhist anime for creative material but being in touch with that source that does provide originality, I can't show it to you, but hopefully even you can see that music videos are substitutive and not the real thing ! why not talk about yourself more openly and how zen may and may not be working out and the real family and working (or not working lol) life?
herb deer writes
so, anyway, the buddha separated 2 paths for no good reason. why not one path with openness and tolerance for the choice to have a lover or not. who gives a shit. i think that was the fall
herb, the love of god or infinity is masked by a lover and children, if you don't see the source of love you will think there are two paths :o()
buddha left/abandoned his wife and child, how open and tolerant was that?
it's no good writing these things when it's actually happening, because by then your brain is gone
it's no good writing these things when it's actually happening, because by then your brain is gone
it's no good writing these things when it's actually happening, because by then your brain is gone !
I'M A BIT FUCKED AT DYING, but i've been aging for 35 years and it's a very limiting process
I'M A BIT FUCKED AT DYING, but i've been aging for 35 years and it's a very limiting process : o ()
thinking of john loori's
request that joy hintz dance on his grave
mistake to
a grave
thinking of johns loori's
request that joy hintz dance on his grave
mistake to
a grave
gender blurred fraud/non fraud isthmus nekoi who has been removing my comments
The reality of the situation is that most of these posts of mine are extensions of little pep talks I have in my head [...]
my reply (deleted of course !)
why not take the talks out of your head and leave my comments UP?
fraud isthmus nekoi who has been removing my comments
The reality of the situation is that most of these posts of mine are extensions of little pep talks I have in my head [...]
my reply (deleted of course !)
why not take the talks out of your head and leave my comments UP?
seon joon
writes (small
stone no. 260)
Rain’s tiny handprints on the sidewalk. Leaves rustle in a faint breeze. Clouds gather thick and quiet, saturating the day with sobriety
the plat of a tiny handprint on the footpath
Nathan, Buddha is anime !
he's no more historically real than jesus or muhammad !
you are wrapped up in the falsity of a fairy tale, you who purport to follow “ truth ” ?
nathan woods replies
Andrew, for a discussion, it would be helpful if you bothered to define or tease out the relationship you see between truth and reality, and the implied correspondence you keep jabbing at. I take truth to be a condition of language use and not a relationship of conformity to 'reality' per se. So while the content of our beliefs are dependent on external factors, knowledge of our beliefs need not appeal to external evidence. Knowledge, as a property of belief, is both objective, and open to revision. Objective in the sense that it is expressed through publicly shared concepts; and open to revision in the sense that beliefs can be true independent of being believed to be true. So while it may be provocative to suggest that 'the Buddha' is a fantasy, I see no reason why belief in this fantasy is not instructive nor 'true.' Nor do I see why the juxtaposition of the truth of this fantasy is in any way hampered by appeal to the 'truth' of reality. All of this seems, to my mind at least, to be completely irrelevant as the very point of the middle way is exercising our capability to hold both convention and 'reality' simultaneously without the supposition that one contradicts the other. Buddha is a very real anime that knows he is not real.
Nathan, your little exegesis is full of “I”, your basic rationale for validity is whether or not you think something is true and the idea of objective testing of truth is foreign to you, but this is the usual zen way ! :o(
my criticism of Buddhism as anime is the problem with anime is it projects and amplifies the human breeding mentality, that is, it is not “ true ” in the sense of what zen is actually about as per say ryokan, basho, hakuin, bankei and on a good day dogen who are all “ real ” people btw and not a cartoonist product like buddha :o)(
you write “ I take truth to be a condition of language use and not a relationship of conformity to 'reality' per se ”
the problem with this statement is that if you define truth fully as you have attempted to do, it becomes recursive in that you are saying that truth is language use, yet the statement you have just made is also language !
say it's
writing voynich like this
“ Knowledge, as a property of belief, is both objective, and open to revision ”
of course what i am saying is going to go straight past you because of this lack of testing and this shoveling of shit in the cesspool that you call thinking and even looking on in horror at what you write leaves one splattered abit, so perhaps you are not completely without talent !
to simplify, you do in a confused way sorta half grasp the point that reality and imagination are part of a complex pair, that the concrete has no complete answers either, any more than anime fantasy, but the real and imaginary true point has a required alignment and identity of both components which in a quantum approximate fashion can be true !
so we are not poles apart on this which i must admit to find myself surprised that you even half grasp this notion as zen usually is obscenely and stupidly rooted in only the concrete as real and true while all the scandalous stuff goes on in the background giving lie to the sufficiency of the concrete real................. :o()
however your claim is that this anime nonsense of buddhism that you construct and parlay is the true component of the “ imaginary ” is however F A L S E
you are making a claim, it doesn't test in reality or the imaginative and you wallow in voynich, lack of attention to detail and plain bullshit and if you care to discover what quality thinking is which i am sure you won't try reading “ the hunting of the snark ” or watching a few jacques derrida videos on you tube :o)(
you are tied into a sexual paradigm and don't understand the essential solipsism of zen and run with the crowd thought of the anime of buddhism ! :()
basically the essence of zen is the energy of celibacy, if you spew your life away in sex and family ( in your case just sex i presume :o)(, then that energy is gone and cannot be re-spent in a true way which of course is what dogen actually says ! :o()
i have seen what you do more than a few times on the net, this obsessive development of an anime substitutive reality, the proof of the pudding is in the eating , like henry darger's “ realms of the unreal ” is somewhat the same process, but has this alignment of “ true ” , you shortchange the process and it has this alignment of false, what can i say ?
nathan woods replies
Notice, Andrew, that I say 'truth is a condition of language use' and not as you suggest, 'is language use,' by reducing one term to the other. In a strange twist of fate, Derrida was a professor of mine in graduate school, and I would urge you to follow his often repeated advice--to pay attention the details of a text.
wow, you were lucky, I wondered how you showed such signs of sophistication, alas what he says cannot be taught, so you have only that half proficiency and not the real /imaginary thing :o)
that really had me puzzled, way out of the box sophistication, but sorta only half or quarter there .... :o(
actually derrida as he got older moved more and more to the mystical poetic viewpoint and i notice heidegger quotes goethe in a video to the effect that what philosophy talks about can not be adequately covered in philosophy, but only in poetry it can !
which i thought was pretty fair of that card carrying nazi party member :o(
wow, i still can't get over that you had the luck/opportunity to be taught by one of the all time great philosophers, right or almost up there with heraclitis ! :o)(
nathan, what you are saying is that the buddhist “anime” has some redeeming/redeeming merit and i am saying basically it doesn't, that it is true anime, emotionally swaddled bullshit :o)(
it's interesting that because of your very advanced philosophical background that you understand the notion of it being anime which unfortunately is quite beyond 99.9% of any zen “master”/s i can imagine : o()
i'm a bit overawed, it's sorta like meeting some-one who has touched christ's or buddha's robe or something :o()
howabout some anecdotes ? :o)(
that's life, everything we do is a mistake :o( :o)
that's life, everything we do is a mistake :o) :o(
that's life, everything we do is a mistake
there is no compensation for
there is no compensation for
there is no compensation for
Nathan, Buddha is anime ! he's no more historically real than jesus or muhammad ! you are wrapped up in the falsity of a fairy tale, you who purport to follow “truth” ?
sergey streltsov writes
[....] personally i have no clue who is moving my hand))) it seems to move, don't know the rest.. : o)
sergey, it's called autism :o), personally I can't even tell if I have a body and I have always been like this :o)(
my reply to a post by herb deer titled “don’t speak ill of the three treasures”
the story of the Buddha is a fairy tale, the dharma is a pile of self serving crap and the sangha are not too bright reprobates? have I spoken
ill of all three ? :o)(
the dalai lama has had lovers, you just don't hear about it !
the last pope (benedict XVI) was so gay and obviously so that he got the sack and who knows with the present one?
historically most popes had common law wives and children !
scratch the surface and religion is full of sex, I mean what is the point of such a large elaborate con?
the paedophilia, homosexuality, hidden families, harems, rape, sexual abuse?
i am not saying homosexuality is bad btw, but it's rife in monasticism, both male and female for obvious reasons and actually even in the historical records you get hints that zen was fairly homosexual !
the dalai lama has had lovers, you just don't hear about it ! the last pope (benedict XVI) was so gay and obviously so that he got the sack and who knows with the present one? historically most popes had common law wives and children ! scratch the surface and religion is full of sex, I mean what is the point of such a large elaborate con? the paedophilia, homosexuality, hidden families, harems, rape, sexual abuse?
i am not saying homosexuality is bad btw, but it's rife in monasticism, both male and female for obvious reasons and actually even in the historical records you get hints that zen was fairly homosexual !
nathan I have to say you and eko (ed. herb deer) are a pair, you can make of that what you will :o) :o() :o(
i have been privileged to meet two people so resistant to input from anybody else ! :o)
that's a great picture, she somehow appears to be at rest : o()
Nathan, celibacy is not abstinence, but alienation ! that is to be non-human in a practical sense................... love, children, sex, relationship is all human....................... herb and eshu being fathers with family demands on their time have some excuse for talking nonsense, but you and I who do not have children don't, I try and remedy this by talking sense but you just waffle turgid anime for ever................... :o()
i think there's something strange about people, that we don't admit about ourselves, very very strange
is it that the web is strange, or people are strange lol
people are strange
is it that the web is strange, or people are strange?
is it that the web is strange, or people are strange
eshu is there such a thing as “spiritual superiority” ?
or is it a question of not having enough time and no conflicting life interests that gives celibacy its edge ?
eshu is there such a thing as “spiritual superiority” ? or is it a question of not having enough time and no conflicting life interests that gives celibacy its edge ?
eshu is there such a thing as “spiritual superiority” ? or is it a question of not having enough time and no conflicting life interests that gives celibacy its edge ?
the movement and sound itself is seeming?
do we hang in nothingness or does nothingness hang in us?
or is the flux of us a hanging and non hanging in nothingess?
if we hang (or are hung !?) at what point does the flux of sense become senseless becoming sense :o)
lol, all this and more and less and nothing that is something on
ustream :o)
the movement and sound itself is seeming? do we hang in nothingness or does nothingness hang in us? or is the flux of us a hanging and non hanging in nothingess? if we hang (or are hung !?) at what point does the flux of sense become senseless becoming sense :o) lol, all this and more and less and nothing that is something on
ustream :o)
the movement and sound itself is seeming? do we hang in nothingness or does nothingness hang in us? or is the flux of us a hanging and non hanging in nothingess? if we hang (or are hung !?) at what point does the flux of sense become senseless becoming sense :o) lol, all this and more and less and nothing that is something on
ustream :o)
i must admit i think alice munroe is a gem, there are not many interviews with her, but they are well worth tracking down, there is something very different about her, extraordinarily so !
seon joon writes
Starlight, furled tightly to those pinpoint masts in the sky.
My mind a ship, unmoored, heaving slightly with the black tide of night.
starlight spinning bleeds an unfurling mast
a ship overturning
seon joon
writes (small
stone no. 258)
Starlight, furled tightly to those pinpoint masts in the sky.
My mind a ship, unmoored, heaving slightly with the black tide of night.
starlight spinning bleeds an unfurling mast
a ship overturning
the zen we have in the west is not authentic, it is in fact a political construct that came into being with the meiji edict of 1872 permitting and in fact almost requiring the marriage of priests to
“ denature ” zen as an independent social force and conscript it into being a nationalist propagandist for the overly hierarchical japanese governmental system, a problem that still plagues japan today as evidenced by the incompetence in both the causing and remediation of the fukushima
disaster !
with the devastating loss of world war two zen became discredited because of this association and at the fringe there really was no living to be made in japan and so you had some priests and teachers turn up in that land of milk and honey, the united states of america !
so the point is that what you refer to as zen is this odd and toxic animal that crossed the seas and spread its poison in the west !
zen in its origins and authenticity is celibate, the reason it doesn't transplant at all into family and sex is that family and sex schisms the brain , zen is the abatement of an idea of some betterment or progress or indeed, even continuity in life .............. !!!
herb, you can see this with yourself, you are strongly locked into some world improvement paradigm !
i do agree with your
article that today, because of contraception and the lack of the usual crippling diseases from olden times, dogen for instance had tb, that celibacy can't exist in the old overt way, my own experience is that i was unconciously celibate for most of my life, not because i intended celibacy, but being autistic and a bit smart in the respect of relationship, marriage and kids being too much for me, avoided that !
however you can see the impact that has in terms of putting my energy in this area of sorting out what life is about, how effective it has been i leave for the reader to judge, but for myself i know its power !
i worked for years in electronics in a way that left little time for attention to the question of what life is about, so it's not simply an issue of having time to put into this sort of enquiry, but the fact is one is looking for meaning and the usual road of family and children is closed off, so you have to look elsewhere and at some point if you follow that intensively enough, it's like jumanji, the dice will roll right , you will get the dai kensho and following that with 30 years work you will sort that out in a satisfactory way !
so, if you believe me, i have sorted this out and have quite a clear perspective on what the situation is in zen today which is really that the married/kids/sex vehicle doesn't mesh with the sort of work needed (man i have been through some extremes you couldn't even begin to think about with family responsibilities, but also have garnered utility from them in a way that the toxic life of homelessness, alcohol and drugs loses!)
the only teacher i i have come across with a clear understanding was toni packer who died recently (i feel she would have been way better not to have founded a center with all the atrocious viral contact that involves, it affected her health for sure !) and it was no co-incidence that she had no biological children, her husband karl and herself did adopt a child but i think there is always some gap of feeling and a sense of life completeness missing..........
so this soto zen vehicle in the west is exactly the wrong combination for what works in terms of what zen is about, “married with kids” needs the alignment of not the self deconstruction to its extreme available to celibates since that harms your family, but the subtle upgrading of an understanding of life through wisdom literature like sa'di
and “ the wisdom of jesus son of sirach ” !
you yourself herb are a victim of this wrong approach and unfortunately i can't see you able to escape the error !
maybe it has helped you deal with addictions, but one has always to keep moving forward, an issue i am also facing
one needs to have the brain working as well as possible, i notice that alot of people on these blogs and boards have sleep and other health issues, recent research shows poor sleep literally destroys the brain, margaret thatcher for instance who only slept four hours a night developed dementia !
sasaki also hardly ever slept and tho his extraordinary genetics have given a very long life, he was never really compos mentis, and mount baldy limped through its various disasters instead of growing the way it had the potential to do with sasaki being abit more on deck !
i know what i write makes no difference, the handcuffs remain locked and it's not in the power of some words to unchain physiological brain realities :o()
herb, it's only by human standards that you can say something is better or worse, that the world would have been better without the iranian revolution and the iran-iraq war, stalin, mao tse tung or north korea ?
but on the sidelines the ghosts of species made extinct by man would have been applauding !
herb, it's only by human standards that you can say something is better or worse, that the world would have been better without the iranian revolution and the iran-iraq war, stalin, mao tse tung or north korea ? but on the sidelines the ghosts of species made extinct by man would have been applauding ! do you see what I mean ?
years of observation have really led me to question whether meditation is a complete idiocy as it seems to cripple the ability to think originally and the product is usually some clone of whatever group or belief system they happen to be enmeshed in !
there are two physiological mechanisms for this, one is the over engraving of the default system in the brain and the other is some sort of cardiovascular damage from not moving, not to mention the usual joint damage !
I think this
article and the comments are good examples of what is wrong with it ! :o)(
an abnormally high amount of
iron in the frontal cortex of the brain is indicative of
MS or some other white matter disease !
research says that MS has a very early accumulation of iron deposits in deep gray matter